Tuesday, June 2, 2009


McMurphy  plans a fishing trip for himself and others from the ward. He says that his aunt is coming but he is lying and really two whores are coming. It didnt work out the way they wanted because one of them was married.  There was still Candy Starr. Candy Starr and McMurphy have a bit of a history and as she walks in the ward everyone hawked her because of how stunning she looked. McMurphy's plan is to boast all the guys in the wards confidence by planning this trip because the whore will surely take care of all their needs along the trip. I admire what he is trying to do because not only are these men all sick but he is as well. He could easily be trying to help himself but he is looking out for his men. If it wasnt for the men in the ward then Nurse Ratchad would be above McMurphy but the men respect both of them but from different ways.


Part 2 of this book had me boggled a little bit because of one person. McMurphy. He came out more in part 2 then in part 1. In part 1 he wasnt really showing how he really is where as he did in part 2. My reasoning behind this is because of the way he speaks and doesnt  care who says what to him no matter what the penalties could be. From doing this he does ass a little bit of questioning to the ward. By him acting like this and showing his action so strongly he has other patients flowing him and acting like him. McMurphy always can back his self up and any other patients complaint, this is why he is a threat to the ward.

Friday, May 8, 2009


For me One Flew Over the Kukoos Nest is a good read because my dad and sister both have read it. They encourage me a lot to read it so I really have no choice. I also believe that it is defintly a good choice of reading for the end of the year because its a fun books its not something boring and as serious as shakesphere. Its good to because we ALL can understand what it is about. Even though I havent read much I do plan on reading it and taking in many tips on life , well I expect to since everyone just has great things to say about it. Will see.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hamlet Post 2

Well Im gona make this post about act 2 as much as possible. Lets see how much I can get down about this book. This part of the story seems to be about love. This is something that caught my eye because I like love because love = girls and I like them. Even though im not a fan of Shakesphere at all it does amaze me that he divides this play up into different parts and each part feels like it has a different emotion. To me it seems like Mr. Shakesphere does this a lot with his plays.

Hamlet Post 1

For me when it comes to reading like this I get very frusterated because it simply doesnt make sense to me at all. Like really who understands this stuff, the only people that do are people who are very gifted such as someone like Mr. Fiorini. Without spending class time on the text I would understand nothing about Hamlet. Even the movie doesnt help that much because its so drery and boring. My first step in organizing my information the Hamlet as I started reading it was to get the characters in order and seeing who is who. Once again after I did the this spending time on talking about the text in school helped explain whose who even better to what I understood. I just wish I could understand why Shakesphere has to be so difficult. Just a write a story in which everyone can understand it.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Since Ive started to read Hamlet I havent really understood much from the first two scenes. If it wasnt for what we done this week in class I wouldnt have any clue what was going on in the play. What we did this week in class is exactly what Id like to do with things I dot uderstand. Take Hamlet for example. We all got into gorups an took excerpts from the play and had to translate them into what todays people could understand and coprehend. Then not only did we translate the words we acted out to the class what I thought was more descreptive then ever because I got to see how the characters act in the play. I like this because I really couldnt get a feel for what kind of emotion they show as they read their parts in the play. The reasoning why I think im not too good at reading Hamlet is simply because when I dont understand a line or two I go to translate it and by the time I figure out what it really means I lose my whole thought about what was going on previously in the play. I dont see myself reading shasphere for fun in the future.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kubla Khan

1.This poem was rather difficult  for me to read and I really didnt get the jist of it so Im just gona write about what I got from the poem. The only thing I really noticed from Coleridge was that they used visual imagery to describe what was going on through the poem such as when they were talking about the place to envision. This brought an image to my head about where and what they were looking at. Some other things that I thought about was the way the garden looked. This is really the only thing that held my attention because I had no idea what was going on throughout the poem. So without the visual imagery that he showed off to me I wouldnt of understood anything and just would of been reading words. If I was to write a complicated poem like Kubla Kahn I would also use visual imagery like Colridge to hold the readers attention especially for people like me.

2. The only thing I got from Ozymandias was that it was about a statue called Ozymandias and it was destroyed. This idea/topic was described by the people in poem, they also described how depressed this made everyone because of the love they had for the statue and because it really meant a lot to them. I couldnt figure out why this meant soo much to this people.